Well the shock of last night is slowly abating and actually I feel quite relaxed about it, perhaps that is because deep down it wasn’t actually that much of a shock.
The fight for the UK to remain in the EU at this time is lost. I accept that, I don’t agree with it, but I accept it. The paralysis of the last 3 and a half years is over, England has chosen it’s path, and given Johnson the majority to take us down that path, and down that path we must go. Those who wanted Brexit have got what they wanted, and they must now be given what they voted for. Be it good or bad. Boris Johnson has told lie after lie after lie and the English electorate have believed him. Well that is their choice, their decision. Johnson has promised them sunlit uplands, investment in infrastructure and skills and promised them better jobs and better pay. He must now deliver on those promises. The size of his majority will actually make his life more difficult. He fought this election in his image. He won it in his image. He will govern in his image. When it goes wrong, as I believe it will, he won’t be able to blame the last Labour government, he won’t be able to blame Corbyn, he won’t be able to blame the EU. This is a personal victory for the brand called Boris, but he will occupy a lonely podium, and the cheers will soon turn against him when he doesn’t deliver on those empty words and meaningless slogans.
One bright light during the cold dark December night is that the non-party of Farage, Tice and Widdecombe left empty handed, they may have caused many causalities but there will be no spoils of war for them.
The most important thing for me, as a European, is the decades of peace and prosperity that a union of the peoples of Europe has brought to this continent too often at war with each other. It is sad to see the UK cut off from that family, heading into isolation, but the prize of European peace is bigger than any one nation. I am and will remain a passionate European Federalist
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