Thursday, 25 April 2019

Vote for Better

Next Thursday you, the people of Liverpool, have the opportunity to Demand Better from your councillors and the council. 

Labour have run the city council for the last 9 years and whilst they have done some good things, they have also failed in many areas. Most of their failures are because they refuse to listen to the people and see anyone who has an alternative point of view as the enemy.  There is no attempt to seek consensus.  It’s Joe’s way or no way.  I was a member of the Labour party for 25 years, helping to rebuild public trust in the party after the disaster of Militant.  However the emergence of Momentum, Militant in modern clothes, drove me away with their blind focus on an ideology which does nothing for the needs of the people they are meant to serve.

Again this year Labour want to take your vote for granted.  They have failed to produce a manifesto, why?, because they are riven by infighting, with some candidates who support the Mayor, others who want to get rid of him; candidates who worship Corbyn and others who prefer not to mention him.  They have no programme to offer because they can’t agree what the programme is. 

Nationally, on Brexit they have taken fence sitting to a whole new level, the majority of Labour voters, like the majority of people in Liverpool, see the benefits of remaining in the EU and building a future for all, but the party leadership is doing nothing to stop a right-wing Tory Brexit which will only benefit the hedge fund managers.

Our membership of the EU brought many benefits to Liverpool, including our award winning Cruise Terminal, the Arena & Convention Centre not to mention Capital of Culture 2008 – all delivered with EU funding and all delivered by a LibDems Council

Here at the LibDems we have produced a manifesto for 2019 – read it here – we are the only party in these elections to do so, so you can clearly see our offering to you, the people of Liverpool:

- Major changes in the way the council is run, ensuring real scrutiny and oversight of the Mayor and Cabinet.

- A renewed pledge to abolish the position of the Elected Mayor of Liverpool.

- Working to improve the representation of groups currently underrepresented in the council, both in the chamber and as members of staff, to build a council that better represents the city it serves.

- A pledge to protect both the World Heritage Status AND the parks and green spaces of Liverpool.

- Radical proposals to improve the health of residents in our city - from improving the amount of exercise students get in school, to improving access to green spaces for people across the city, setting ambitious air quality targets and tackling period poverty.

- Using the new local plan to drive planning priorities with the needs of the city in mind, not big developers. From improving the quality of housing in the city, to fighting for more affordable housing where we need it most. Fighting for great neighbourhoods for all.

If you agree with our aims, then don’t let Labour take your vote for granted.  Vote for positive change.  #DemandBetter and vote for your LibDems candidate on Thursday 2nd May



Seán Robertson
LibDems candidate for Clubmoor

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